Want to Get a Great Price on Tile Roofing?
Did you buy your house because it had a tile roof on it? Why change from that idea? Have what you want. It is no more expensive than a metal roof and it lasts longer. With new and improved installation that no longer deals with hot tar or concrete mix, we can make your dream of having this roof more cost friendly and faster to install.
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High Barrel Tiles, or otherwise known as high profile S-Tiles, are semi-cylindrical concrete tiles and the most traditionally recognized of all tile profiles. Our Capistrano high barrel profile is beautiful and timeless, emulating the authentic look of Spanish tile found in the old world.
Eagles Capistrano profile comes in a vast array of colors from: terracottas to warm earth tones to cool grays and refreshing greens, as well as in exquisite blends that were designed to emulate the classic look of real clay tiles. Many of these colors and blends are Energy Star® and Cool Roof rated products that can qualify for LEED points and save customers money and energy.
So What are the Differences?
A modern version of the S-Tile, Barrel Tile or double roll as it is often called, is a low profile shape that faithfully recreates that classic Mediterranean-style appearance found in the roofscapes of Italy, France and Greece. Eagle Roofing Products Malibu profile has gentle curves, which adds visual interest and striking effects, easily complimenting modern architectural designs and large buildings. It’s particularly effective on distinctive homes, apartments, hotels and commercial buildings.
Need to have your tile roof Repaired or Replaced?
Flat Concrete Roof Tiles refer to a variety of profiles completely lacking in any barrels or rolls. Increasingly popular with designers, architects and home buyers in the Unites States, Flat Tile offer a crisp, clean appearance that perfectly complements both traditional and modern architecture.
Eagle Roofing Products Flat Tile profiles include: Bel Air, Ponderosa, Double Eagle Bel Air, Double Eagle Ponderosa, Estate, Golden Eagle and Tapered Slate Artisan. Depending on the look you are after, our Flat Tiles can emulate the texture and style of natural materials such as wood shake, clay and slate – and is a more affordable alternative.
When to replace my roof with Tile?
The average shingle roof depending on when it was installed and the quality of shingles used will have a lifespan of 10-15 years. Parlament Roofing uses only quality roofing tiles from Eagle Roofing Products with an average lifespan of 30-50 years. In most cases you can replace a shingle roof with a tile roof, however the weight is quite different and you need to verify if your roof can handle the weight. How long do they last? A very long time. What you have is a tar paper roof protected from the environment by the concrete tiles. The concrete tiles are indestructible except for dynamic forces. ie wind, tree limbs, walking on them.
Many people expect a tile roof to last a lifetime and are surprised when they find they have a roof leak. The tile, itself, is either concrete or clay and should last a lifetime, however what keeps the water from entering your home is actually the felt underneath the tile. The felt is traditionally an asphalt-based product and as the felt material ages it becomes brittle. When the felt expands and contracts with the heat and cold, it will eventually crack.
The tile will shed most of the water, however some water does trickle down to the felt and this is when you can notice a leak. In other cases, you can locate the leak at a pipe penetration, termination (chimney, skylight, roof to wall intersection) or from slipped or broken tiles.
Parlament Roofing provides repair and replacement of existing roof coverings.